This is the place to follow our family adventures and catch up on what we have been up to. We will keep you posted on how God is moving in the WV eastern panhandle/northern VA area and share with you the process of planting a new church out of C@M

Sunday, May 22, 2011

in closing.....

Well friends....
It is with a sad heart that I am closing this chapter in my life. If you want to read why you can go here. I am thankful for all the friends and family that have encouraged me and supported me to step out in faith and take photos of their precious loved ones. I have loved it in a way that is hard to find words for. I also love that God used this experience to teach me and how He has used me.
So I figured I would close up shop by sharing a few of my last photos of some sweet boys that I LOVE.

Jesus, I thank you for this experience. I pray that you will heal my eyes. But even if the answer is, "Not now" I praise your name!
